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Be Your Best Version: Life Advice Everyone Can Use Regardless of Age

Many of us want to change ourselves for the better. But no matter how many times we try to claim this, we can’t succeed if we don’t even try to adopt good new habits. Sometimes, it takes a couple of fails before we learn from our mistakes.

Most of the time, we ask our friends, family, and people we look up to for advice. But no matter how much advice we receive, if you don’t make it a point to take each one seriously and pass it on, then you will really have a hard time changing your life for the better. If you are serious about improving your life and want to realize your goals, then you can use the following lessons to kick-start your plans.

Stop Stressing Over the Things You Can’t Possibly Control

People often focus on the bad things that happen to them instead of finding ways to solve their issues. Remember that you have no control over other’s actions, preferences, etc. If you want to change and improve your life, start taking control of the things you actually have power over. This includes your breath, body language, sleep, diet, mind, body, and your self-talk. If you are unhealthy and are not content with how you look and feel, go ahead and change your diet, start living an active lifestyle.

If you feel like your emotions are about to cloud your judgment, go ahead and rest, take a deep breath, and talk to yourself about it. Do these before you react or make decisions. If you feel like you no longer can deal with some things on your own, make a conscious decision to ask for help. For instance, dating services can take your mind off of the tedious process of looking for a possible romantic companion. Thinking things through and shaping your reaction before finalizing a decision will make you feel in control and fulfilled.

Eliminate What-ifs and Consider Why-nots

More often than not, people’s greatest regret is letting opportunities pass. It can make you worry, feel anxious, and scared. Your mind will be filled with what-ifs, what might have been, and what not. If you continue living in fear and won’t step out of your comfort zone, you will never grow as a person.

This is not to say that you should accept every challenge and opportunity thrown on your way. Avoid what-ifs by weighing your options. Write down the pros and cons. Take calculated risks and be ready for the consequences. Learn from your past mistakes but don’t dwell in regret. Take chances and ask yourself “why not.”

Stop comparing yourself and your progress to others


One of the most dangerous things one can feel is jealousy. It can make you blind and deaf, bitter, and unhappy. If you focus on other people’s seemingly perfect and successful life, you will fail to see that you are still lucky yourself. Stop focusing on others and don’t compare their progress with yours.

Learn how to focus on yourself and to keep on improving the things you can improve. Accept the fact that sometimes, people experience success earlier than you. You could be jealous of what other people have right now, but you can never know what they had to go through just to reach their current state. Focus on your progress, keep on learning, and when the time is right, you too will shine and all your hard work will finally pay off.

Be Kind to Yourself and Be More Considerate of Others

Kindness can go a long way. If you can try to be kinder to yourself, you will feel less stressed and happier. You will feel more accomplished and your self-esteem will increase. You will be your own advocate and will find it easier to forgive yourself for the things you did wrong.

Extending your kindness to other people and being more considerate of other’s feelings allow you to form better and healthier relationships. Remember that each of us has to fight our own battles. Try to listen and give others more time to open up before judging. Giving people the chance to explain and redeem themselves will make you feel better knowing you did your part in trying to understand them. In return, they will also do the same once you made a mess or failed to meet their expectations.

There are many other life advice that can help turn you into a better person. But only you have the power to change yourself. If you don’t make an effort to improve, thrive, and survive, then you can’t expect success to magically fall into your lap. Work hard in attaining your goals, and treasure the lessons you learn along the way. Don’t forget to be considerate and pass on these lessons to others.

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