Wedding rings sample

Types of Finishes for Men’s Wedding Bands

In the past, most couples only took the time to pick the best wedding band for the bride to match the engagement ring. It was assumed that any wedding band would suffice for the groom. With the growth of the fashion conscious man, however, this is not the case today.

Men also want a wedding band which will express their style and character and getting the perfect one is essential. The common types of precious metals used for men’s wedding rings in Washington currently are platinum and white, yellow or rose gold.

Platinum is durable and hypoallergenic, yellow gold is a classic option and rose, and white gold is perfect for those aiming for a distinctive look. After getting the precious metal which works for your ring, getting its finish is the next step.

The finish will determine the style and durability of your wedding band. The following are some of the finishes used for men’s wedding rings.

Mirror Finish

This is a high polish finish which is shiny and highly reflective when correctly done. A mirror finish works for almost every type of precious metal used for wedding bands and is the perfect choice for men looking for a flashy and easily noticeable band.

The finish is however easily scratched and the nicks and scratches created are very visible. As such, it is best used for wedding bands for men in careers where they will not use their hands so much and place the rings at risk of scratches.

Satin Finish

This option gives the wedding band a textured appearance, but the ring remains smooth to touch. Unlike the mirror finish, the satin finish will diffuse rather than reflect light making it ideal for those who do not want the ring to stand out as much.

Although a satin finish is also prone to scratches which remain highly visible, it can be re-finished inexpensively. The satin hammer finish features a “hammered” or “dimpled” look which will perfectly hide flaws. As such, it is best for guys with active lifestyles.

Stone Finish

This gives your wedding band a rough texture, a stone-like feel, and a subtle look. The stone finish is also considered a “manly” one.

It will hide imperfections perfectly thus making it ideal for those in manual labor and who engage in active hobbies. You will however still need to retouch a stone-finished ring to guarantee its durability periodically.

Glass Bead Finish

Polishing a ring

This finish falls somewhere between a stone and a brushed finish. A glass bead finish’s texture is achieved by polishing it with glass beads just like in a sandblasted finish.

The resultant finish is, however, shinier and smoother compared to a sandblasted one. The textured yet smooth finish achieved is perfect for men looking for a classic wedding band.

With these finishes, your wedding band can serve as a fashion accessory in addition to a declaration of your love. The finishes can be further customized by engraving different initials and numbers on the wedding band. You, therefore, need not settle for a simple wedding band that will not reflect your style nor personality and dampen your everyday look.

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